Tuesday 22 March 2011

Matteo Manassero - golfs future world number 1?

Matteo Manassero is my tip as golf's one to watch for 2011. This kid is unbelievably talented and has already started his professional golf playing career in style with a win in the 2010 Castello Masters in Valencia which set him on route to being named the Sir Henry Cotton Rookie Of The Year. Matteo is also the youngest player to have ever made the cut at The masters Tournament.

Let's have a look at Matteo's credentials.........

The swing
Matteo Manassero is a perfect example of the modern day golf swing. Matteo's swing is full of power and stability which allows him to create huge amounts of power in a controlled manner, a dangerously efficient combination for his competitors.
Matteo creates a huge coil on the backswing which results in his hips being the driving force of his downswing. His kinematic sequence is spot on creating maximum power at the point of impact. Things to look for in his swing is the stability of his lower half on the backswing as his shoulders fully rotate, and then downswing transition. If you pause the video below at the 9 second point you will see the extent of his hip clearance at impact. An extremely powerful position.


The rest of the follow through sees the shoulders and arms catching up with the early clearance of the hips into a fully extended and balanced follow through position. Matteo has got a very sound, stable yet powerful technique which looks as though it will be able to stand up under pressure.

Showing the goods on the biggest stage......
A former amateur world number 1, 16 year old (and youngest ever) winner of the of the British Amateur Championship, youngest player to make the Masters cut ever, winner on tour in first season as a pro aged 17...... This kid has stacks of talent and performs when it matters. He is a winner and will continue to climb the rankings this year from his current position of 55th. Matteo will definately improve on his finish of 34th in the 2010 Race to Dubai rankings with a full season on tour also.

Right so there it is, a bit of swing analysis and some impressive stats that show the potential of this powerful swinging Italian. Check him out in 2011 and look for some big performances.

Thanks for reading
Daniel Gale
PGA Professional/TPI Certified

Dan is a fully qualified member of the PGA and a certified TPI Instructor
Check out his website at www.dangalegolf.com

Moving on - new position in the golfing world

It has been an extremely busy start to 2011. Poor weather in November and December has lead to many people wanting to get out onto the golf course and to the range for practice and tuition. It has also been a busy time for me personally. 2011 will see my role changing within the golfing world and i thought i would publish a quick post to explain the changes that have taken place.

For the past 3 years I have been coaching full time for The James Andrews School of Golf. This role was great in many ways. The Golfschool would supply the coaches with clients on residential schools and they were taught over 2, 3 or 5 days respectively.
Spending this much time with a group meant that we could work hard at improving many aspects of a players game and really go into detail over what their current swing characteristics and habits were. The other benefit was that whilst you were with the clients you knew that they were carrying out proper, effective practice not just smacking balls aimlessly.
Obviously when you spend that much time with people then the hardest thing was often to not say too much. Not to over describe or confuse the pupil. Less was more, however we did have plenty of time to work on various thoughts and feelings than you would in your standard 30 - 60 minute golf lesson. Often at the end of the clients residential visit you would see some huge changes in performance and a very much enhanced understanding of their own swing and ball flight characteristics.
The only downside i can state however was then sending that person back to their own club. Busting a gut for 5 days but then maybe to never see them again was a little frustrating but equally accepted as part of the role we were carrying out. 

So for the new role. At the same facility I am set to take over the more traditional Club Professional position. Managing the Professional Shop and looking after my own client base. The times of the residential golfschool's and also the fact it was always packed out meant that my own client base took a bit of a hit, often having to pass lessons onto other professionals within the facility. I am looking to rebuild these links and push my own client base as far as i can whilst introducing as many new golfers as possible to the game with a vast beginners coaching set up.
The team of assistants i have working for me is extremely strong and as a team we will be looking at pushing the golf club forwards as much as possible in 2011 and beyond.
The position will just as importantly allow me to pursue my goals as a teaching professional. Having a more control over working hours etc will allow me to get back into participating in CPD courses and gaining further qualifications, as well as allowing me to try and push myself further up the professional ladder through county coaching etc etc.

I am very pleased with the role change. My time with The Golfschool was extremely useful and the people i met from all parts of the world undoubtedly improved me personally as well as professionally. It has allowed me to mix with extremely successful and worldly people and also allowed me to witnessed what seems every possible swing imaginable, so to all those i have taught in this time i am very greatful.

Anyway its onwards and upwards from here. More blogging to follow and time to work on my website as well.

Thanks for reading and happy golfing.

Dan Gale
PGA Professional/TPI Certified

Dan is a fully qualified member of the PGA and a Certified TPI Instructor
Check out his website at http://www.dangalegolf.com/