Thursday 21 July 2011

Prevent golf injuries with a TPI screen

The golf swing is a an athletic movement which causes great torque and therefore strains and tension on the body. This is the case with golf professionals as well as amateur players, in fact with amateur players although the power of the swing may be less the actual stress caused will often be more. This is because the average amateur golfers body is not set up to accept this kind of tension and is often the reason for amateur golfers getting back problems as well as other injuries. Tour players spend many hours a week in the gym as well as with medical experts to get their bodies finely tuned ready for peak golfing performance.

As well as the possibility of injury a players physical capabilities can also be the reason for the feeling of 'banging your head against a brick wall' as a result of golf lessons. Being given a load of drills to carry out that you are not physically capable of carrying out. This leads to frustration and again the possibility of injury due to over training/practicing with poor technique.

A great way to prevent this risk is to take out a TPI screen with a certified TPI Instructor. The screen will allow us to identify any physical limitations that may be restricting you performing the correct swing technique and leading to problems outlined above. It is a very simple process which takes no longer than 20 minutes but will save hours of frustration or time on the treatment table through poor movement. The way the screen works for us as coaches is that it outlines any restrictions that we may encounter and therefore allow us to work on these areas through mobility, stability or co-ordination exercises and progress towards a sound swing movement. If there are any medical problems then you will be referred to a medical professional (chiropractor, osteopath) or if exercise needs to be taken beyond our capabilities then a fitness professional (personal trainer) will be the answer.

Some see TPI as an excuse, just a way of giving the golfer or even the coach an excuse for average club golfers not performing as they and we wish to see them. I sit in a different boat, I see it as a way to ensure my students can progress and find it hard to see how coaching a sound technique can be achieved when effectively going in blind to every players capabilities.

Locate your nearest TPI Instructor to give you the best chance of aiding your golfing development.

Good luck

Dan Gale
PGA Professional TPI Certified

Dan is fully qualified member of the PGA & Certified TPI Instructor
Check out his website at