Tuesday 31 August 2010

Importance of the short game....

Working at a golf academy every day i notice the same old pattern......full driving range, empty short game areas. This is the main reason behind some people high handicap.

‘on average, 70% of a 28 handicappers shots are
played from inside 80 yards’.

Don’t believe it?? Then break it down, start with your putting which is 35-40 of your 100 shots in a round. Then you chip and pitch on every hole (sometimes twice) so we can call that 20, and we haven’t even started touching on fuller pitch shots and duffed approaches.

Next time you head to the range don’t just take your driver along (a club you might use 12 times in a round of golf) take some clubs that you require during a round of golf. Your scores will drop quicker by targeting the areas where most shots are taken. Hitting the ball 10 yards further is all good fun, but it doesn’t get the ball in the hole. Practice your short game!!

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