Tuesday 23 July 2013

What makes a golfer?

What makes a golfer 

Have you ever stood on the tee, getting your backside whooped by your golfing pal, thinking "his swing is poor, mine is at least as good as that. This game isn't right"? 

It's a common statement that we hear on the lesson tee and it leads to Professionals answering the question, what makes a good golfer!

The aim of golf is to get the ball around the golf course in the lowest number of shots, nothing else. It is not a competition over who has the prettiest swing, who looks like they caress their putts or who once chipped in 4 years ago. I repeat it is purely down to which player gets the ball in the hole, in the fewest number of shots on a consistent basis.
You just have to look on the European and PGA Tours to see that for every Woods and Rose there is a Furyk or Ricky Fowler. Meaning that it isn't just down to just sound mechanics in order to play good golf there is way more involved. 
A renowned Tour Coach recently stated 'give me a guy with a dodgy technique but the heart of a lion over a guy with perfect technique but jokes under pressure'. Now in terms of winning that can certainly be a true statement, and he was talking at tour level. However I have witnessed this at club level and the statement at the start of this piece is an example of that. It highlights another aspect of what makes a good golfer, mental approach and heart.

So as a coach what does it take to lower your scores on the golf course, here are my top five most important things to target:

1. Sound short game
Learn to get the ball in the hole in two more often from inside 100 yards. For the average golfer this area of the game will account for 70% of your round of golf. Your short game will keep your momentum going on a good day and save your bacon on a bad ball striking day. Learn and practice this religiously.

2. Controlled mental approach
Many club players talk themselves into a lot of bad shots 'I knew I would go in that pond' or 'I always go out of bounds on this hole'. You cannot stand over shots thinking these things and must be able to let go of bad experience during a round so you concentrate on the present and manage to continue your round at a high level.

3.Understand your swing in relation to ball flight
You have to know where the ball is going. If its slicing understand why so you can minimise it or control it. Understanding your swing and ball flight characteristics will allow you to keep the ball under control during your round.

4.Great course management 
If you understand your ball flight and know your own strengths and weaknesses then planning each hole can allows the best opportunity for you to shoot lower scores. If you can avoid every hazard on the course you will lower your score, equally if you are great from 100 yards but terrible from inside 75 then don't lay up to close to the hole on a Par 5. Map each hole and attack when it's safe and play conservative when need be.

5.Learn how to practice properly
You do need sound mechanics in order to hit better shots on a regular basis. Make sure you understand your swing and break your swing down in order to isolate and improve components of the swing for a better technique. Also use the range to prepare for the course. Experiment with ball flights, test yourself with targets and get yourself in control if your swing.

So there's my top 5. A well rounded, successful golfer will carry theses qualities. None of them are given, they have to be learnt, practiced and ultimately trusted on the course. But with some effort your scores will improve.

I hope this helps you understand the qualities of a golfer and look forward to hearing scores tumble soon.

Happy golfing 

Dan Gale
PGA Professional

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