Wednesday 24 November 2010

Golf course visualisation - see it then do it

A little golf course quote from Jack Nicklaus.......

“It’s like a colour movie scene. First i see the ball where i want it to finish. Then the scene changes and i see the ball going there. Then there is a sort of fade out, then the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality.”
How good is your visualisation prior to taking a shot? And is it as positive as this?
If your thoughts include that of an image where a ball dunks into a pond or bunker short of the green, then you need to work on your visualisation prior to the shot. Practice it on the range first then take it onto the golf course.
Good visualisation leads to positive beliefs and execution of shots.

Give it a try next time you’re out there.

Good luck

Daniel Gale
PGA Professional

Dan is a PGA Professional & TPI Certified Instructor
Check out his website at

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