Monday 22 November 2010

Golf - prepare to succeed. How to be a winner.

Golf competition and practice requires preparation. By preparing yourself in the wrong way physically as well as mentally, you will damage the intensity and quality of your practice and competition play. We all want to reach peak performance in golf, our drive is to improve and be the best we can be. However we need the combination of complete physical and mental control in order to achieve peak performance. Here are a few tips to make sure you give yourself the best chance to enhance your golfing performance.......
  • Stock up well on good foods the night before and during the day of golf activity. Carbohydrate and protein intake will keep your energy levels up which will keep a positive frame of mind for practice and competition intensity
  • Avoid late nights or alcohol the night before competition and practice. Fatigue and muscle slowness will prevent you reaching anywhere close to peak performance and decrease concentration levels
  • Plan your practice sessions and set targets for improvement in technique. Keep a practice diary to record any key points from your sessions that may be forgotten, swing thoughts/feelings etc
  • Set 1 or 2 goals each time you go out to practice. Having goals creates drive, the need to achieve, which causes a higher quality of practice. Remember the goals need to be a challenge, but not impossible
Remember this is advice to give you a better chance for success, there are no guarantees. However without taking basic factors such as these into account you are more likely to fail. is not just the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference!!

Good luck
Daniel Gale
PGA Professional

Dan is a PGA Professional & TPI Certified Instructor
Check out his website at

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